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2 alumni standing in front of LPS entrance

On June 3rd, LPS hosted approximately 50 alumni and 14 staff members to our cafeteria for a Mix & Mingle Alumni event. Guests enjoyed good food, good music and good company! Former students had a ton of fun catching up with staff members and taking a tour down memory lane to classrooms and offices. They also had fun looking through old yearbooks and reminiscing about their happy days at LPS.

Read More about Another successful alumni event!
students graduating hs

Transition Information Night is on Thursday, November 16 from 6:00-8:00 PM via Zoom. A variety of presenters will be discussing transition planning information, including the ADA law and reasonable accommodations, adult agencies including Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission, local independent living centers, and long term planning for adults, with topics like guardianship and special needs trusts. Parents and guardians of all high school students are welcome to attend. This event happens annually each fall. 

Read More about Transition Information Night coming up